Monday, January 31, 2011

What will happen if the Radical Islamists get contol of the Suez Canel?

                                                           Picture of Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is the most important water way in the middle east. What will happen if the Radical Islamist get control of Egypt and the Canal? 70% of the oil from the middle east flows thru this waterway. If Egypt falls in the hands of the radicals you can look for other middle east counties around the fall to the radicals.
What does our great leader, Obama say. We want change in Egypt. President Mubarak has been our friend and has kept the radical islamists in control in Egypt all these years. Now we want to abandon him. Why? Because we have fools running our government and in the news media.
Will Mubarak go or stay? It all depends on what the Army does. We will find out shortly. For the sake of the US and sane people in the middle east, I just hope Egypt doesn't fall to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical terrorist organization of the worst kind.
This will never happen, with the fools in Washington. We need to send troops to Egypt to protect the Suez Canal.
If you would like more information about the Muslim Brotherhood, just Google them and you will see how dangerous they are.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Is America Owned by China?

After see the above picture, on the Internet, it looks like America is owned by China. When the President of China came to Washington he was treated almost like God. No other foreign leader, during the two years President Obama has be President, has been treated like this.
Everyone talked about free trade with China. There is no such thing as free trade in China. If you do business in China, the Chinese Government owner 51% of your company. Is that free trade? Hell No!
I know Chinese companies are buying up America, right and left. Just because China is buying out debt doesn't mean we should let them screw us over.
The big thing this year, with the Obama is the new economy, Green Jobs. The Government let money to two Companies to create Green Jobs. Both companies started making solar panels for electric solar energy. Guess what? They are both going out of business. Why? They say they can't compete with China in the field. Not only with about 1,200 people lose their jobs but the taxpayers(like you and me) will lose the millions given them to start up.
When will the fools in Washington realize that China is not our friends. Remember China is a Communist Country and treats it citizens like crap. Do something there the government doesn't and you just disappear.
The real America use to be 70% manufacturing and 30% consumers. Now we are 70% consumers and 30% manufacturing. How can a country, like ours, continue like this.
It can't.
No one in Washington will take on China. Why, because most of them in China's pocket.
As I wrote before, the next two years will make or brake our country.

America goes the way of the Roman Empire

If you really want to know what's going on in our country, read "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire". After reading this book is easy to see what direction our country is going.
This country has created more debt, in the last two years than we did during all the years we were a country. Who is to blame for this foolish act? The main people responsible for this debt are the people who elected those fools in Washington who spend more money than they took in in taxes. Our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can never pay these debts even with a 90% income tax.
40% of the money spent by our federal government is borrowed money. What is going to happen when the interest on this borrowed money eats up all the taxes taken in by the government? Already, around the world, certain counties are desiding not to accept dollars are payment for goods. This will continue to happen until the dollar is worth nothing in international markets.
Runaway inflation will happen, with the dollar, here and around the world. We need to stop this crazy spending in Washington, in our states and cities and get on a pay as you go bases. This is never going to happen, just like it didn't in the Roman Empire.
When the crash comes, mark my words, a new America will be born. We will all be surfs, just like in the middle ages and given just enough food to survive. The old Russia will be re-born right here in the land of the free and home of the brave.
We still have time to reverse course and bring America back to the great country in once was. Will that happen? The Tea Party Movement is a start, but we have a long way to go. If Liberal-Socialist-Communist Brack Obama is re-elected in 2012 it's all over. What happens in the next two years will seal the fate of our country. THESE WILL BE THE MOST IMORTANT TWO YEARS OF THE USA!

Free Speech is one of the free freedoms we still have in this country